Saturday 16 July 2011

Hunter Valley

Just came back from "Red red wine"-orientation trip. Had a day with other international students going to the Australian Reptile park and then to Hunter Valley vineyards. We visited three vineyards and a traditional Australian country style pub. The vineyards, and especially their wines were amazing..could have spent all day there :) Met nice students as well, so all in all a good trip!

Tomorrow I'm off to a Terrestrial Ecology Field course for a week. The course is held in a University field station, Wangat Lodge in Dungog rainforest. So the studying and hard work starts tomorrow. Amazing how quickly the time flies..

1 comment:

  1. <3 Ihanaa että kaikki siellä on mennyt hyvin ja uusi elo alkanut hyvin!!! Tsemppistä kouluhommiin, nauti viidakkonainen!!!! rakkaita terveisiä meiltä molemmilta!
