Sunday 10 July 2011

First glimpse of Sydney University

On the way from home to uni

Campus park (the Victoria park) and a glimpse of Uni buildings at the back
Must say the Uni premises are quite impressive, very beautiful old buildings, surrounded by green lawns, nice little cafes.. But some of the stuff there seem a bit, well, over the top; like the fact that you can just make a quick call and you'll get an escort taking you home from the campus if you don't feel like walking home alone in the evening. It's good to know you're safe, but an escort? Well, this is Australia's top notch university, so I guess there are students (or parents) who require such services.

My department is part of the main campus, that actually consist of two campuses right next to each other. Managed to see only parts of the campus today as I visited an orientation info and got some paperwork sorted out; student card, email, bank account, timetable for the semester. Now it's time to get under some blankets and try and get rid of this annoying flu..

View to the city from the campus

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