Thursday 30 June 2011

Bali & Gili Trawangan

The flight from Hong Kong to Bali was a bit exhausting, it was night at Finnish time and I hadn't really slept since I left home more than a day ago. There were the usual screaming babies, drunken Aussies, fighting American couple and an uncomfortable seat. I ordered some wine to fall asleep more easily but ended up pouring all of it to my lap when turbulence hit us. Nice, these were the only clothes I had with me and could well be the only clothes I would be wearing for the next week, as I got told already at the airport that my luggage was not on the flight. Nice. Well, the flight wasn't too long and I managed to sleep and hour or two, the clothes dried as well and surprise surprise, my luggage was waiting for me at the airport. Found a smile on my face. The minute I stepped out of the plane I just felt amazingly relaxed. The warm sun, sounds of the tropics and the atmosphere of an holiday stroke me at once. The feeling hasn't left me since. :)

At Bali we (me, Päivi, Maman and couple of his friends) checked out Kuta, which was full of drunken tourists and throbbing nightclubs. Instead of joining the scene we drove around on motorbikes through the little allies and narrow streets between the tourist boutiques and restaurants and ate in local warungs eating Indofood and drinkin Thebotol, local cold bottled yasmintea. Next day we drove around the Island seeing the temple Tanah lot, Ubud Monkey forest sanctuary and some beautiful rice fields. The night we spent in Badangpai, on the eastern cost of Bali ready to hop on the boat to Gilis the next morning.
”Welcome to my paradise” sings Maman, as I hop out of the boat bear footed to the sandy beach of Gili Trawangan. A paradise this is to a word in many sence. Gili Trawangan is all about snorkling, diving, surfing, lying on the beach on a bamboo-hut or a sunbed, sunbathing, partying, tiny adorable cats, bicycles, horses and bear feet. No cars, no markets, no motorbikes.

I have been snorkeling a couple of times, straight from the beach. Amazing. Saw tens of species of beautiful fish, observed a couple of Green sea turtles feeding on sea grass and surfacing to breath once in a while. Went diving today, amazing reefs full of colourful corals and beautiful fishes. Where is my waterproof camera? And, did I say amazing yet? Planning on going on a snorkeling trip around the three Gili islands tomorrow and maybe another dive (or two) another day..hoping to catch a climpse of an Manta and maybe some sharks.

I have been driving around on a little orange bike, walking on the beach, but mostly lying in a bamboo chair, cuddling a kitten and just chilling with Päivi, Maman and the other staff of beach bar Gilinta, where Maman is working at. My stay here is probably quite different than the average tourist spending their time in the luxorious hotels and partying all night long with other tourists. I'm staying with Päivi and Maman in their room behind the beach bungalows, local style, also eat mostly at local Warungs, local food, local prize. But sometimes going the tourist way as well, eating out in restaurants, having sangria, shopping, using toilet paper..

All in all, I'm enjoying myself enormously and recommend Gili Trawangan warmly to all of you who haven't experienced it yet!

Trying to get some more pictures in when the internet connection allowes me.

Love you loads!


  1. Hei Unni-rakas. Olipa kiva kuulla - tai siis lukea, että olet siellä hyvässä huomassa paratiisin kaltaisessa tilassa. Aikoihin on eletty siitäkin kun olin Sinun iässäsi, ei silloin Gili Travanganista posti näin kulkenut, jos sieltä kukaan olisi Suomeen halunnut mitään kertoa. Hyvä että nyt näin, vanhaa isääsi ilahdutat. Kiitokset siitä.. pidetään tämä...

  2. Ihanat kuvat...minäkin haluan joskus varpaiden lomasta katsella tuollaista maisemaa.
