Saturday 4 June 2011


Everything has slowly started to fall into place. Got my visa, which is kind of essential I guess. Got all the flights booked as well. So first flight is to Bali on June 23rd. I'll got about a week and a half there before flying to Sydney on July 6th. I'll be spending most of time in Indonesia on the Gili Travangan, which is the largest of the three Gili islands.

I'll get to Sydney just in time to meet my good friends/new flatmates, Eeva and Vesku before they fly to Finland for a holiday. Then I'll have about a week before my courses start at Uni. A week to organize and familiarize with the new surroundings, a new life, new home.

I just received a confirmation that I have been enrolled to the courses that I have chosen, so that is also good. The first course I'm taking is a Terrestrial Ecology Field Course in a rainforest in Wangat, western Australia. Sounds and looks awesome ( :) Then when the actual semester starts in late July I'll be attending a course in Marine Biology, Entomology and Evolutionary Genetics & Animal Behaviour. Should be interesting.

So now it's organizing some final things here and just getting excited.. :)

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