Friday 5 August 2011

List of thingies

It's been a month now in Australia and I've noticed there are some things that make me smile like a mad hatter and others that make me frown. Here's a short list(oh, how I love making lists! :) ) and I have intentionally made the smile-list longer just to keep things on a good balance, the annoying things take up so much more room in a persons mind anyway.

Thingies that make Unni smile..

1. Encountering exotic birds in everyday life.

2. The option to cross busy roads diagonally. They even have their own traffic lights, how wonderful is this!

3. Cappuccinos. The possibility to get a cappuccino from almost every corner. The quality of cappuccinos. The feeling of buying yet another cappuccino. The efficiency of the baristas making cappuccinos. Going to a lecture with a cappuccino. Writing the word cappuuccino.

4. Spending time with myself. I came to realize I haven't really spent too much time alone before, and must say, I'm kind of liking it. I'm not too bad company after all.

5. Random conversations with random people. Must give an example of possibly the randomest conversation with an attractive young man at a bus stop last tuesday.

It went like this.
M(man): Hello.
U(Unni): Hello.
M: I just need to tell you something.
U: Yes.
M: I just need tell you that the bus 621 leaving from this stop runs until midnight 6 days a week. Until midnight!
U: Okay. (...????)
M: You must forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm a little nervous.
U: Don't worry. (...????)
M: I have been nervous a lot lately.
U: That's ok. (...???)
M: I'm so nervous. Please forgive me.
M & U: (handshake)
M: Thank you! Thank you for saving me!
M: (exit)
U: (...???)

Thingies that make Unni frown..

1. Prices.

2. Not beeing able to decide if I'd like the plural of a computer mouse being 'mouses' or 'mice'.

3. Realizing (yet again) that life is short.


  1. Ihanin postaus :) :)
    Take care & enjoy the cappuccinos!

  2. Linnut <3 Kunhan ei tule liian lähelle..
