Saturday 19 November 2011

End of semester-fun

Finally the semester is over! Even though I find it amazing how quick the time rolled by, a whole semester gone, wow. Glad and sad.

It was a good semester, but amazingly hard work, a lot more work than a semester back at Helsinki Uni, even though I was doing mostly undergrad units. Well, I learned a lot, quess that's the point of studying..besides having the time of your life, right? The thing that surprised me the most was the fact that I actually learned to use stats (every biologists nightmare) and ended up tutoring other students using SPSS (the System Perfectly Suitable for Suicide). The courses also included A LOT of writing and I ended up writing about twenty papers all in all, so improved heaps in my scientific writing skills. These two things i didn't expect to be learning, but hey, not complaining.

So yesterday was the first day of the summer holiday that we spent in a traditional Aussie way..on the beach! Went to Manly to do some snorkeling at Shelly Beach and then Surfing at Manly Beach, my god that was fun. My first surfing ever, as you might quess from the evidence below :)

Surfing Unni-style

The surf-guru Vessa(as they call Vesa here)was so proud of his new student..

Well, next week I'm working at the library earning some dollars for the holidays. Then we'll be heading to Growdy Head beaches via Hunter Valley vineyards for a long weekend. Then it's three weeks in New Zealand, can't wait!

Warm summer breezy hugs to one and all!

p.s. for those that I haven't told yet..I have changed the date of my return flight, now arriving in Finland 2.3.2012. Mark this to your calenders, as we are going to have one big hugging party!